Hyde Park Jewelers is now The 1916 Company. Bookmark the1916company.com as our new online destination to shop our collections and discover our content and community.



At Hyde Park Jewelers, your privacy and the security of your personal information is of primary importance to us. We want you to feel comfortable using the Hyde Park Jewelers web site, and the services we offer online. To that end, what follows is our privacy policy.

This policy is design to inform you about how we collect, use and share your information, and what steps we take to protect it. The following principles guide us in this effort:

• We want you to know what information we collect, and why we ask you for certain information.
• We want you to understand what we do with the information you collect.
• We want you to understand what your options are regarding our collecting of information.
• We use recognized safeguards to protect your information from unauthorized access or use.
• We want you to know how to contact us with questions or concerns about this privacy policy.




Our web site uses "cookies." A cookie is a temporary storage mechanism offered by your web browser that allows us to provide a more seamless browsing experience on our web site. Examples of how we use cookies include:

• When you visit our home page, our web server queries your web browser about whether it supports animation; the result of this query is saved in a cookie, which allows our web site to display animations elsewhere in the web site automatically (or prevents their display if your browser can't support them).
• If you fill-out forms on our web site, sometimes we temporarily save certain settings so that other forms on the web site can be automatically filled-in for you.
• You may indicate preferences regarding your browsing experience (such as a desire to skip intro animations on future visits). Such preferences are stored in cookies.
In most cases, cookies used by our web site expire and will be deleted automatically by your web browser at the end of your browsing session.

In order for you to take advantage of certain specific services we offer, we may require you to accept cookies placed by a third-party supporting activities on our behalf. These cookies, when employed, are used only to provide services you explicitly request.

Aside from cookies, we may ask you to provide information from time to time, such as your name, address, e-mail address, and so on. We ask for this information and use it only to provide you with the services you request from us. For example, if you wish to receive a catalog in the mail, we require your name and mailing address so that we can send the materials you request.

In many cases, we ask you for your e-mail address in conjunction with online inquiries and requests that you may make of us. Our primary use for this information is to communicate with you by e-mail in the event we have questions related to your inquiry or request. We reserve the right to use your e-mail address in the future to send information that we believe might be of interest to you. By providing your e-mail address to us, you consent to the use of your e-mail address in this fashion.

Automated mailings we may send will include clear instructions on how to remove your name from future mailings.

Finally, like virtually all web servers, our web server logs activities on our web site. This is done to perform statistical analysis on overall usage, usage of specific features of our site, and other aggregated information such as which web browser software our customers are using. 




The information we collect is used only to provide you with the services you ask us to provide, and to solicit or transact business with you. Neither we, nor the vendors we hire to assist us in providing goods and services, will sell, rent, or otherwise release any information about Hyde Park customers to other parties.

The only circumstance under which we may release personal information is in the event that we are legally compelled to do so, through a court order, subpoena, or a similar request as

provided under federal, state or local laws. 




If you are concerned about our collection of information on our web site, then you are always welcome to transact business with us or make requests by telephone, or in-person in at our retail stores, rather than provide any information online. Providing any personal information of any kind online is entirely optional, and is not a requirement for doing business with us.

If you choose to provide information to us online, and later wish to have that information removed from our databases or other lists, you may contact us in writing to make that request.

We will make every effort to comply with your request in a timely manner.




We use, and will continue to use, industry-recognized safeguards to protect the personal information that you have provided to us from loss and unauthorized access or modification, including secure sockets layer (SSL) encrypted connections, ICSA-certified firewalls, as well as other measures. 

We are a Thawte Secure Site. If you are required to send sensitive information to us through our web site (such a payment information when making a sales transaction), secure server technologies will be used that provide encryption of your data as it is transmitted to us from your computer.

We protect personal information stored on our web site's servers from unauthorized access using commercially available computer security products, as well as various procedures and practices that we develop.




While navigating on the Rolex section of our website, you may interact with an embedded website from www.rolex.com. In such case, Terms of UsePrivacy Notice and Cookies Policy of www.rolex.com are solely applicable.





If you have any questions about this privacy policy or our business practices, please contact us at info@hydeparkjewelers.com. If you prefer, you may contact us in writing at the following address:

Hyde Park Jewelers

Attn: Privacy

3000 E. 1st Ave.

Denver, CO 80202




To reflect changes in technology, standard business practices, or trends in privacy management, we reserve the right to update our privacy policy from time to time. Such changes will be applied retroactively only when reasonably considered equally or more restrictive in terms of the privacy and confidentiality of your personal information. Our most current privacy policy will always be made clearly available on our web site.



Last Updated September 2022